On the subject areas of Cosmologica, hyperlinks to biographies of scientists that has participated in the developement of these exciting theories can be found. On this page, links to all these biographies has been gathered. The persons are both listed in alphabethical and chronological order after birth but also after year of receiving the Nobel Prize (for those persons of relevance), and importance to science (I'm going to need help with this one!). I have also more recently added Bruce Medalists, that is the highest award dedicated to astronomy only and Fields Medal, that has become the inofficial Nobel Prize of mathematics (that it only is awarded each fourth year makes it even more rare) and finally the Wolf Prize, that is a prize from Israel that is faster with awarding important discoveries than the Nobel Prize.
Science is a world dominated by men for many reasons, but several interesting exceptions. To enlighten these women I have compiled a page over "Women of Science".
The probably best reference on the Web for scientific biographies is the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive.
An excellent place on the Web for people interested in mathematics is St. Andrews University mathematics server that has a list over the members of Royal Society of London.
The probably most interesting mathematical collaboration during the 20th century is probably the Bourbaki group that published many thick volumes about mathematics under the pseudonyme Nicolas Bourbaki. The last name is taken after a French general under the Napoleon era. This group consisted mainly of Henri Cartan, Jean Dieudonné, André Weil and Alexander Grothendieck. They were trying to modernize French mathmematics.
The most cited scientists in physics the last ten years gives a big hint about the importance of the scientist. Also other interesting information exists on In-cities.
American Institute of Physics has an interesting collection of history about scientists.
Peoples Archive has recorded video interviews with "great thinkers, creators, and achievers of our time".