Cosmologica homepage
About the nature of the Universe and the endeavour of Mankind to explore it

Welcome to Cosmologica - The place on the Web that has the goal of sharing knowledge about the nature of the Universe and the endeavour of Mankind to explore it. Cosmologica is built around several subjects that are linked together by Einstein's field equations, biographies of the scientists that successfully have explored these subjects and the creators evident intention to form intelligent life in the Universe.

Webpages are under translation and revision from the Swedish language. You will be directed to the Swedish counterpart when a page has not been translated yet.

Astronomi & rymdfart - Hästhuvudnebulosan (Courtesy NOT)
Svarta hål - Svart hål i NGC4261 (Courtesy HST) Stjärnorna - Solen i vätets alfalinje Kosmologi - Krusningar i mikrovågsbakgrunden (Courtesy WMAP)
Relativitetsteorin - Einsteins fältekvationer Kvantgravitation (Courtesy Perimeter Institue for theoretical physics)
Vetenskapsmännen - Albert Einstein i Bern 1905 (Courtesy The Albert Einstein Archives, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Photo by Lucien Chavan)

Intergalactical News



Home - A film by Yann Arthus - Bertrand

©Copyright 1996-2018. The pages was updated by Christian Målmark latest the 26th of January 2018.